Video Presentation

Media Reports

-- IPChain co-founder Lin Qiwu: block chain to help the cultural knowledge industry revitalization

-- Enterprise strategy architect, intellectual property chain chairman Li Jun: IPChain will be in 2018 to the rest of the world

-- Steffen Hoffmeyer, president of Wall Street Investor, ModalMinds, USA: IPChain will change the world after five years

-- National Intellectual Property Expert Library Specialist Wu Dajian: IPChain will raise awareness of intellectual property standards

-- IPChain Business Director Huang Weiguo: IPChain Business Applications Watch the field of intellectual property

-- Radio and Television Research Institute National Press and Publication Shenyang: Chain and Cultural Industry Technology Development Promotion

Former Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture Deputy Director Zhao Heping: hope IPChain online meeting a complete success

-- Peking University Financial Technology Innovation Laboratory researcher Sun Zeyou: intellectual property rights will be used to solve the block chain technology

-- Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Department, former director of the current National People's Congress Chairman Jiang Taiwei: intellectual property rights of national intellectual property protection

-- Wall Street Financial M & A expert Christopher Van Gannin: I believe IPChain will be successful

-- Unique consensus mechanism DPOC: use block technology to open up the upstream and downstream intellectual property rights imprisonment

--Full range into the film and television circles, for the original IP escort

-- IPChain line meeting 2 - Wu teacher said IPChain.

-- IPChain line meeting 3 - Lin Qiwu talk about IPChain future business applications.

-- State Press and Publication of Radio and Television Research Institute of Radio and Television

-- Content payment era, intellectual property rights, right to use, rights protection is difficult, IPChain how broken?

--IPChain released intellectual property trading platform to subvert the status of intellectual property protection

Announcement News

-- IPChain Development Incentive Plan

-- IPC retreat plan in China

-- Announcement on the opening of the currency on September 8th

-- IPC retreat announcement in China

-- IPChain announcement on September 4th

-- IPChain risk tip

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